Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Sitting here at YY Kafei Dian, waiting for my Horfan to be served.
I guess I am getting use to eating alone during lunch.
I console myself that I’m not the only one there eating alone.

Office is rather quiet today because only MD and I are in.
GM was off to Malaysia office while Hozumi San was off for seminar and Tommy is off to meet customer.
Sometimes I really do hate the quietness as it feels that working in the office seem so lifeless.
However, sometimes working in this environment isn’t that bad at all.

Anyway, even if they are all around and we go lunch together, I’m still alone as I don’t usually join into their topics.
Moreover, if I mix with the only Japanese people, they would mostly speak in their own language which I can’t understand.

Well, anyway this feeling I had for months already.
I’m getting use to it.
Maybe until they hire one girl to accompany me, then I would feel differently.

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