Tuesday, August 12, 2008

My FINAL Decision

Ok, i sound like i am so fickled minded.
But this is my FINAL decision already.

Before having meeting, my decision of staying is still a NONO.
But after Shari and Jonathan "physco" me, i decided to stay for 1 yr as a temp staff.
I am so easily physco-ed???
So yah, continue staying is not really a bad thing lah.
I will get my income monthly, no need to be afraid of going jobless especially i am going to HK!
Aside of the stupid long distance + expensive transport fee + got to wake up early, let me think of the good side like the go working environment with good work colleague + lunch mate. Hehex..
One important reason that makes me keep reconsidering is because of the work environment lah.
I am afraid if i go to a new working area, the people attitude sucks or what loh.
Oh well, but i wont stick to this company forever still.
So, i will just let nature takes it course then. :)
For the time being, just think of present then.

So, Sheau Wei no need sad for me because i am not leaving yet.
Shari and Jonathan will be happy cos i am staying too.
As for myself, half happy half 无奈(wu nai)..
Haha.. dunno lah..
Thinking about the work piling make me sianx.. >.<

Kk lah..
I should think on the brighter side. =)