Monday, March 14, 2011


As many of you know that on the 11 March 2011, Japan got hit by 8.9 earthquake and tsunami.
I received the news on twitter at around 5pm+ where by i saw a lot of people tweeting about it.
Curious, i went to yahoo new online and this incident really happened.
It happened at around Japan time 2pm+, which is Singapore 3pm+.
I felt worried and sad for Japan~
Thus, i email one of my Tokyo colleagues to ask if they are safe.
So today, i received the email from him, saying that they are safe fortunately.
Felt relieved for them :)

You know on that day morning before that these happened, i received calls from HQ.
They sound so all right.
However, nobody will think that this kind of disaster will just happened.
When i watched the news on TV, i felt very sad for them.
The strong current destroyed so many buildings and killed many people. :(

Anyway, lets #prayforjapan.
Hope everything will be back to normal soonest. :)

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