Sunday, June 22, 2008

命中註定我愛你 Fated to Love You

This show is really very nice.
I am going to buy the CD to rewatch and rewatch.
Wiki states that it will be Qiao En's last Taiwan Drama Series.
I really love to watch her acting. :(
Very sad.

Currently at EP14 waiting for EP15 to come out next week.
Total of 20EPs if i am not wrong.

Some nice chinese quotes from the show, not the romantic one. :)
Credit to Wiki

- 人生就像一場賭局,不可能把把都贏,只要籌碼在自己手上,就永遠都會有希望。
- 幸福--讓人覺得溫暖,安全,又有一種如履薄冰的恐慌,好像隨時會消失。
- 人生就像是捏陶土一樣,就算是做錯了,也可以重來一遍。
- 只要你願意付出,幸福就會自己來敲門。
- 機會就像小偷,來得時候不經意,等走了後,才知道損失慘重!
- 有時候我也明明知道不適合,可就是要偏偏的試試看,看能不能找到一種微妙的平衡,把這個尖腳的茶杯呢,站在這個茶托上!因為......欣怡:因為幸福如履薄冰。

I really love watching Taiwan drama a lot.
Its not only because of the storyline, the romances.
Some of the show teaches me some 人生道理。
That's really the good part of the show. :)