Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Mentally Tired~

LiXian said my font is not readable.
So i've changed it to #FFFFFF. HAHA!
Omg, i guess its time to change blogskin.
But i haven got the time to do so.
PLUS i am kinda lazy now.. :S

Back home at ard 10PM today.
Guess why?
I've OT until 9.30pm today.
Too hardworking or what?
Have no choice because its an urgent order.
I have to submit it by tomorrow 9AM!
Finally i've finished it today.

Thanks to my dear Sheau Wei.
I got to cab home because she can claim taxi fare.. Hehe~
If not i got to fork out my own money if i wanna cab home le.

Why is my life going on a rountine AGAIN????!!!!

* On Weekdays.. *
* Morning wake up. *
* Go work. *
* Back home.. *
* Bathe, Eat, Use com, Slp. *
* And these goes on from Mon - Fri. *
* Its so WTF!!! *

Getting sick of this..

I wanna go Retail Therapy!!
Told Sheau Wei about it.
And since my dear is on duty this Saturday.
I am going shopping with her, maybe only her. =D
Cant wait for the day to come~~~~
