Finally, me and girls are able to fulfil this cycling plan!
We planned it since last year!
Actually it was postpone some time last year due to the rain.
Then we dragged until today.
Phew~ it didnt rain today! HAHA~

Pardon me for my makeup-less face.
Who goes cycling with make up? LOL
Anyway I met with Engsang first before heading to Bedok to meet with Jingwen and her bro.
From there, we took bus 401 down to ECP.
Its the first time I don't need to walk from Parkway Parade to ECP.
Its sucha long walk from there!
In future, I'll just take the bus. LOL!
Better if BF drive me there. :p
Had lunch then headed for 2hr bicycle ride from 430pm to 630pm.

Us resting at Bedok Jetty area.
Engsang and Jingwen didnt cycle for very long time so they have to get the momentum.

Us again stopping somewhere near a mama shop and they grabbed ice cream to eat.
Jingwen's brother is really tall and on 15 years old only!
I think he's taller than my bro. =O
We continued to cycle and stop by the beach where there were a lot of sandcastle built.
Some were a bit damage by some inconsiderate people.
I guess kids just destroy stuff they see.

Then for awhile they went to the sea area to play with the water.

When we cycled back, we really feel that we were execrising already.
I kinda race with Jingwen's bro. Haha..
I'm old already cannot win the teenage already and guy usually has more strength and stamina. ^-^

It's a fun and fulfilling day!
Our next stop next month shall be USS!
I can't wait~ Woohoo~
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