Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Flu Jab

This is post is especially to inform Veron Lo~

Actually wanted to take Flu Jab today.
For precaution and also Veron Mama keep asking me to go and take it.

On Monday, I went to call Yishun Polyclinic.
They said they dont have the jab.
After which, i called TTSH.
They said they only have the general Flu Jab.
As for the jab to prevent H1N1, currently there's no vaccine for it worldwide.

After discussion whether to take or not.
We decided not to take because if we take the general Flu Jab, there might be side effect like fever, depends on individual.
Moreover, dear have test tomorrow, so he couldnt afford to get sick.

Yup, so this is the decision~
Veron Mama please take note ah.
Not that i never go check~! (:

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