On 16 June, I went to see my Gynae for retaking of my blood for NIPT test.
Since I am there, the Gynae also want to check out the baby so we had our 4th scan.
Today, baby is very jumpy and active.
Doc told me that the amniotic fluid level seems low and I have to intake more water else baby will be very cramp inside.
Baby size is at 6.4cm seems like smaller than estimated size showing in theAsianparent app.
Probably, I haven been eating nutritious lately. :(
I will try to eat more and drink more water!
Week 13 - 15 June ~ 21 June.
I guess I feel a little better.
Although, I can eat a little more for dinner, heartburn and acid reflux is common problem for me everyday.
Also, I get to eat durian but I limit myself because of high sugar level.
I felt more tired and slept earlier on some days.
Also, it seems like my pregnancy rhinitis has subside.
Week 14 - 22 June ~ 28 June.
It seems like I have gained about 1kg.
Belly seems a little more protruding. I look like more than 14 weeks preggy. -_-"
So during the period, we went out for shopping and I think I cannot take long walk.
Not sure is it due to preggy or I have been staying home for 3months plus, my legs was aching badly after the long walk.
I have been having mild headache these days. :(
Week 15 - 29 June ~ 5 July.
Appetite seems better during the night in the mid week but still have a bit of acid reflux at night.
I am weighing around 65~66kg this week.

On 4 July, I had my 5th appointment and finally I got my NIPT result.
Happy that everything is okay.
We also got to know the gender of the baby! :)
Baby is very very active! Even the gynae said so while scanning him.
The heart beating at around 148 BPM.
Amniotic fluid level has increased and I was advise to continue intake more water.
Gynae also advise me to do more exercise like swimming or yoga.
The next scan will be 4 weeks later.
Week 16 - 6 July ~ 12 July.
Appetite seems to continue getting better. Not much acid reflux this week.
So I tried to drink carbonated drinks like Cola. :p
Still trying to eat rice because I seems to have phobia with rice. Haha..
I saw the website and from theAsianParent app that in "Week 16 marks the time when some women begin to feel their babies moving. At first, those small movements may be hard to distinguish from tiny gas bubbles. Many women describe the sensation as butterflies fluttering or popcorn popping in their bellies".
Well, I am not sure if I feel it but on 7 Jul, I can feel tiny bubble in my belly. Haha..
Week 17 - 13 July ~ 19 July
This week feels the same as the last week. :)
Waiting to feel baby movement.
Anyway, I try to find out how much weight I should be gaining as per my BMI.
In one website, it gives me the list below.
I hope to gain at the minimum weight. Haha..
So week 17 now, my actually weight sometimes fall from 65.7~66.1kg. I think its good. :)
Have been going out to walk from 17-19 July.
Be it shopping with sis, short catch up with Sheauwei or grocery shopping with G and in law, are a good form of "exercise" rather than just staying at home sitting the whole day. Haha..
Bad thing is that I can't walk long now as my feet easily aches.
Lucky thing is by the next day, my feet recover from the aches.
Week 18 - 20 July ~ 26 July
This week appetite is not that bad.
However I suddenly had that "something stuck in my throat" feeling again. :(
I still can't really confirm I had feel the baby movement yet.
I got that rambling feeling in my stomach but not very obvious still.
My brain seems like deteriorating. HAHA!
Been feeling kinda forgetful or doing things the wrong way..
Week 19 - 27 July ~ 2 Aug
There week, baby's movement still not so obvious yet.
Sometimes, I just feel something light hitting me once in my stomach. -_-"
Week 20 - 3 Aug ~ 9 Aug
Week 21 - 10 Aug ~ 16 Aug
Week 22 - 17 Aug ~ 23 Aug
Week 23 - 24 Aug ~ 30 Aug
Week 26 - 14 Sep ~ 20 Sep
Since I am there, the Gynae also want to check out the baby so we had our 4th scan.
Today, baby is very jumpy and active.
Doc told me that the amniotic fluid level seems low and I have to intake more water else baby will be very cramp inside.
Baby size is at 6.4cm seems like smaller than estimated size showing in theAsianparent app.
Probably, I haven been eating nutritious lately. :(
I will try to eat more and drink more water!
Week 13 - 15 June ~ 21 June.
I guess I feel a little better.
Although, I can eat a little more for dinner, heartburn and acid reflux is common problem for me everyday.
Also, I get to eat durian but I limit myself because of high sugar level.
I felt more tired and slept earlier on some days.
Also, it seems like my pregnancy rhinitis has subside.
Week 14 - 22 June ~ 28 June.
It seems like I have gained about 1kg.
Belly seems a little more protruding. I look like more than 14 weeks preggy. -_-"
So during the period, we went out for shopping and I think I cannot take long walk.
Not sure is it due to preggy or I have been staying home for 3months plus, my legs was aching badly after the long walk.
I have been having mild headache these days. :(
Week 15 - 29 June ~ 5 July.
Appetite seems better during the night in the mid week but still have a bit of acid reflux at night.
I am weighing around 65~66kg this week.
On 4 July, I had my 5th appointment and finally I got my NIPT result.
Happy that everything is okay.
We also got to know the gender of the baby! :)
Baby is very very active! Even the gynae said so while scanning him.
The heart beating at around 148 BPM.
Amniotic fluid level has increased and I was advise to continue intake more water.
Gynae also advise me to do more exercise like swimming or yoga.
The next scan will be 4 weeks later.
Week 16 - 6 July ~ 12 July.
Appetite seems to continue getting better. Not much acid reflux this week.
So I tried to drink carbonated drinks like Cola. :p
Still trying to eat rice because I seems to have phobia with rice. Haha..
I saw the website and from theAsianParent app that in "Week 16 marks the time when some women begin to feel their babies moving. At first, those small movements may be hard to distinguish from tiny gas bubbles. Many women describe the sensation as butterflies fluttering or popcorn popping in their bellies".
Well, I am not sure if I feel it but on 7 Jul, I can feel tiny bubble in my belly. Haha..
Week 17 - 13 July ~ 19 July
This week feels the same as the last week. :)
Waiting to feel baby movement.
Anyway, I try to find out how much weight I should be gaining as per my BMI.
In one website, it gives me the list below.
I hope to gain at the minimum weight. Haha..
So week 17 now, my actually weight sometimes fall from 65.7~66.1kg. I think its good. :)

Have been going out to walk from 17-19 July.
Be it shopping with sis, short catch up with Sheauwei or grocery shopping with G and in law, are a good form of "exercise" rather than just staying at home sitting the whole day. Haha..
Bad thing is that I can't walk long now as my feet easily aches.
Lucky thing is by the next day, my feet recover from the aches.
Week 18 - 20 July ~ 26 July
This week appetite is not that bad.
However I suddenly had that "something stuck in my throat" feeling again. :(
I still can't really confirm I had feel the baby movement yet.
I got that rambling feeling in my stomach but not very obvious still.
My brain seems like deteriorating. HAHA!
Been feeling kinda forgetful or doing things the wrong way..
Week 19 - 27 July ~ 2 Aug
There week, baby's movement still not so obvious yet.
Sometimes, I just feel something light hitting me once in my stomach. -_-"
31 July, we went to buy some baby's clothing at Shen Kwong located as Bugis.
Seems like the baby's clothing and necessities are cheap and we bought quite a few sets.

Gynae appointment on 1 Aug.
Baby weighing at 290g with heart beating at 152BPM.
Gynae says that he is very active showing us a lot of hand sign, like waving and saluting. Haha..
Will be doing detailed scan on 6 Aug (Thurs)
Gynae appointment on 1 Aug.
Baby weighing at 290g with heart beating at 152BPM.
Gynae says that he is very active showing us a lot of hand sign, like waving and saluting. Haha..
Will be doing detailed scan on 6 Aug (Thurs)
After the scan, I went for my dental appointment as I always has bleeding gum when brushing teeth.
After cleaning and polishing, my gums did not bleed anymore. :)
Week 20 - 3 Aug ~ 9 Aug
Had our detailed scan on 6 Aug.
We were referred by our Gynae to do the scan at Thomson Diagnostic Ultrasound Centre.
The Obstetrician who did my scan was very nice and assuring that baby is okay.
Baby is weighing at 331g, gain of 41g in 5 days! Haha..
My boy is always so active when we see him through the ultrasound.
The next Gynae appointment will be 3 weeks later on 29 August.
After the detailed scan, we went Orchard to shop for more baby stuffs.
Oh, I also went to try out Pre-natal massage before the scan.
The experience seems not bad, so I signed up another 5hrs which can last me till I deliver.
Week 21 - 10 Aug ~ 16 Aug
On Week 21, the minimum weight that I should be having is 67.7kg but seems like I am a little over than expected, weighing at 68.1kg. D;
Appetite seems kind of better these days I believe.
Especially, I have been eating junk food like Ruffles chips.
I can feel baby kick more often in the day.
Mostly, when I am sitting down at work.
Previously, I can only feel when I am lying down during night time.
Week 22 - 17 Aug ~ 23 Aug
Feeling more kicks this week.
Wondering when will he kick through my tummy. Haha..
Sometimes when I touch my tummy, I kind of can feel the vibration when he kicks. :)
TheAsianParent app stated that my skin will look radiant and will have a "pregnancy glow", but I have pimple popping on my face.
Sigh, its like getting more and more and facial doesn't really seems to help.
I even had pimples at the side of my neck that does really go away ever since I am preggy. :(
Also, I am starting to have backache since I slouch when I sits.
Feeling like an old lady.
Sigh.. my indigestion and heartburn is back to haunt me again this week.
Probably, my belly is getting bigger and my internal organs are cramping up.
Week 23 - 24 Aug ~ 30 Aug
Week 23 this week, means I am entering the 6th month!
Nothing much, feeling much the same as the last week.
However, I seems to feel hungrier easily this week.
Gynae appointment on 29 Aug.
We got the result of the detailed scan that we went on 6 Aug.
Everything is normal. :)
During the scan, Gynae didn't tell us the exact weight and length, just said 500g+ and 16cm+.
Baby seems to be growing on track and well.
Next appointment on 21 Sept, I was told to do Glucose screening test and it sound scary as I need to take 3 blood test at each hour.
Does it mean I need to be poke 3 times? :O
Week 24 - 31 Aug ~ 6 Sep
I am in my 6th month of pregnancy!
Time seems to pass very fast.
This week I supposed to be weighing at 68.9kg, but I seems to be weighing at 67.9kg when I weigh myself in the morning (31 Aug).
Not sure if its good or not.
Just hope that baby is getting all the nutrients from me.
The baby cabinet arrived on 5 Sep.
Finally can do some packing so that the room is not so messed up with stuffs on the floor. :)
Finally post my pregnancy news on social media on 6 Sep.
Got a lot of blessing from friends and family.

Week 25 - 7 Sep ~ 13 Sep
I seems to notice that my hair did not drop as much as last time when I blow dry my hair.
Seems like a good thing! Woohoo~
Anyway, I probably wont be cutting my hair very short after giving birth.
Will just let my current hair grow.
Because after confinement, it will be almost CNY already.
Nowadays I seems to have backache when I try to sleep on my side.
I am also getting afraid that I will be putting pressure on baby when sleeping sideways.
Hence, I am getting a pregnancy pillow support, hopefully it will help me sleep better.
Week 26 - 14 Sep ~ 20 Sep
Wow, in 2 weeks time I will be moving towards the 3rd trimester!
Mix feeling as I would like to meet baby soon, but on the other hand, its gonna be the start of a tiring parenthood.
Probably baby is growing in size, I am feeling pain at the left side of my lower belly.
Week 27 - 21 Sep ~ 27 Sep
Had appointment on 21 Sep.
It is also the day I did the Glucose Tolerance Test.
I have to drink a very sweet Orange Syrup and then take blood test for every 1hr.
Totally blood drawn = 3 times.
Also, Gynae surprised me by saying that I have to inject a Boostrix vaccination.
I am someone who is not afraid of needle but getting poke 4 times in a day is really scary!!
Worst day of my life. :(
Baby is weighing 927g.
Heading to 1kg soon. :)
Baby facial form seems to be more clearer than before.
The Gynae said that he looks like me due to his chubby cheeks. I am like what??
Anyway, he looks cute. Hehe~
On 22 Sep, I received a call from Gynae saying my test result is out.
Seems like its not a good news, so I will be going back next Saturday to check on the result. :(
In the meantime, no sugary drinks. Sigh~
Seems like my heartburn is back haunting me again. Grrrr..
Sometimes, I feel that eating small portion of food doesn't help. Sighh..
Will be giving more updates on my 3rd trimester post.
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