Thursday, February 23, 2012

FUG! What Am I Worrying About?

- Career
I want to progress to the next level but it’s seems like no one is giving me a chance. Is it I am having high expectation or what? People say that the grass is greener on the other side but I’m afraid...

I really want to stay in this comfortable zone but... there's too many things I kinda dislike about thus I feel I wanna move on.

常常都會覺得我在這是好的、是對的嗎? 其實不是我不喜歡這份工作,而是我不是很喜歡這裡的工作環境。除了這裡的人令我很難接近,還有有時我討厭這裡太安靜了。這裡的人令我覺得很難接近可能是因爲全部都是男生而只有我是女生還有語言問題。雖然老闆他們沒有“弄“我,我有時還是是真的不是很喜歡他們。他們總是給我笑裏藏刀的感覺,不知道那天會銅我一刀。




- Relationship
Sadly after 4years, I still feel that there's a barrier in between us. I don't know how to name it. I don't know is it me or what? I guess it's my one sides thinking. Is it he didn't let me into his world or I didn't let him into my world? I'm confused.

Sometimes I really hate to talk about "us". But seriously? If a couple don't talk about "us", there's something wrong right? I know communication is the key and everyone tells me already but sometimes I do feel that it’s pointless because I think everything is expected. Tsk.

FYI, we didn't quarrel. I already said it’s my one sided thoughts. Maybe I'm just an insecurity bitch. On the other hand, he's insensitive. Sigh~

Just feel like voicing out somewhere. Nothing much. Not a big deal anyway...

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