Its November already.
Oh wow, we are coming to a new year soon.
Just saw that my last post was dated on 11 October which is like about 3 weeks back.
Time really flies.
I just got back from my 9D8N trip to Korea and will be going back to face reality tomorrow.
Surprisingly I don't feel that I don't want to go back to work or maybe the feeling hasn't come yet. Haha..
This time I feel that the trip is too long because too many days in Seoul.
I should have allocate some time to go to Jeju or Busan.
Didnt have much impulse buy on makeup and skincare this time.
I left so much money back!
Maybe because previously I went with girls and it was my first trip so when I see everything, I also want to buy. Haha..
However, I don't deny that the first trip was more enjoyable with the girls.
Trip with G to Korea is a little different but still enjoyable in another perspective.
I guess that's about all for the summary for now. :)