Actually i attended one open space concert in Taiwan but i guess that's not really counted. HAHA. ;P
So, usually i only got to watch it on TV or DVD, now i could experience it myself!
It was really an enjoyable one!
This concert was me giving BF as a birthday gift this year.
His idol is Jolin Tsai!
He loves her more than me! LOL~ Boohoo...
Anyway, I got quite the good seat thanks to Christine's help. :D
We reached outside Singapore Indoor Stadium 1hr earlier and many people were waiting outside to go in already.
BF very unlucky because he couldnt bring in his DSLR in and was locked in the locker if not you will get to see very nice photos of Jolin in my blog already.
My camera sucks at capturing dark scene.
A lot of them were quite blurry so pardon me. :)
We were greedy and thought they might provide light sticks for us.
But in the end, they provide that sort of like a fan for us.
It'll be good if there's light sticks!
Hi, last picture of us before the concert starts! :D
The show starts at around 8pm with this DJ Daniel playing remix for about 15mins before Jolin comes out to perform.
Can you see her?
Haha quite small figure there..
For the first few songs, she kept changing clothes like within 20secs! Haha..
Actually, i said that our seat is good side because most of the time she's standing at our area.
From some picture you can see that we are looking at the left side of the stage.
However, our naked eyes cannot really see her look.
I can only see her figure, she dancing on the stage.
So, the big screen there is for us to look at her face. Haha..
And to me, she look the same on TV.
The Agent J look.
Love the pretty lightings!
Most of the songs she sang are fast and dancing pace.
Because she want to make it like a party night.
Also, its good that she communicated with us a few times.
Very interactive.
This is the part whereby she sang a few ballad songs.
And the most like pictures that i took of the day. :D
I remember this part i got so high that i asked BF to stand up! LOL!
I stopped taking photos because i wanted to enjoy the atmosphere.
Luckily most of the song she sang are what i know except for a few i dont. Haha.
Yeah she also sang Lady Gaga Just Dance.
Really not bad.
After the encore, there's a few songs she sang before everything ends.
Everything ended at around 11pm which is about 3hrs of show!
Even though she's not my idol but i always admire for her good voice when singing live.
All in all, its a good show! :D
If i got a chance, I will fly to Taiwan.
I guess Taiwanese are more pro active than Singaporean.
Haha.. because most of the people are just sitting down and enjoy the show.
I love and rather get high, sing and dance together.
It's more fun like that! :D
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