Its the same rainy day at the end of the year though past few days the weather was so warm.
Reading what I wrote 10 years ago when I just matured at age 21.
I mostly fulfill my traveling plan.
In my 20s, I was afraid to age but look I am in my 30s now and it just feel like so what? Haha.. those naive days..
Ok, so this year I barely do blogging and I believe I won't be doing much for the next few years anymore.
I will just do summary of the year unless anything interesting or I feel like ranting, then I will blog. :p
It's even less than 10 posts and I am wondering who read my blog anymore. Haha..
Anyway, let me do a recollection of 2018 month by month.
On Feb 25, we gotten our home keys thus a new journey for 2 of us began.
Door opening happens on 3rd March.
The renovation took about 7 months to complete.
Because time is needed to do defect checking, cement screeding, planning, etc.
So we finally moved in on 29 October 2018.
In the same month of March, we traveled to Japan.
Its a 9 days free and easy trip from 29 March to 7 April.
I always wanted to visit Tokyo and finally made it.
Not only we visited Tokyo, we also went to Osaka and Kyoto area.
I really love their scenic places but doesn't like the shopping. Haha..
Oh, and I finally seen the beauty of Sakura~~ so love!
In June, we went to Bali to celebrate our 1st wedding anniversary and 10 year of togetherness.
Stayed at Aksari Villa Seminyak and it was a great experience.
I super love the resort which is very relaxing.
The people there are very friendly and attend to us whenever we need.
May visit again in future. :)
In the same month of June, I snipped of my long hair and back to bob hair.
But didn't last long like 2012. I just wish my hair grow longer now. Hahahaha..
In July, I got addicted to a game call Royal Chaos and waste load of money on this game. =X
Even my sis is playing with me so I am not alone. :D
Luckily, I am still playing the game till date else money wasted. Muahaha..
Well, this toxic game keeps me busy which is that's one of the reason I didn't maintain my blog.
I even lazy to post travel pics to Facebook and just posted everything last night.
On November 11, my sis gave birth to Number 2 and I became Ah Yi again.
In the same month of November (23-27 Nov), I traveled to Taiwan with my parent in law.
I almost couldn't make it due to my passport validity issue. -_-"
This last flight of the year really give me a real good lesson learnt!
Silly me, thought that few days past 6 months is okay to travel.
Anyway, I will remember this experience for life and will take note every time when I need to travel.
On December 22, I hold a housewarming session at my home.
Invited some good friends and colleagues for visit.
Happy to hear good reviews of our home. :)
Mostly good stuff happening or maybe because I choose to forget the bad.
Now, I try to remember anything that is bad and I cannot remember much.
The bad that I can remember only happened at workplace because this year we lose a lot of close colleagues. :(
Even my closest colleague also left the company.
I hope for the best for her in her future endeavor.
Oh and one more thing is I hit 60kg this year lah!
Is this the sign of low metabolism rate? Damn.
Cannot outgrow already else all my pretty clothes cannot wear anymore. :(
Need to get up and move!!!
Hmm.. I guess my 2018 is to learn how to be a good wife.
Now, I have a home of my own and I have to do laundry, cleaning and sometimes cooking.
No more help from my mum anymore and shake leg everyday when I am back home.
Luckily, G also helped out a lot because he OCD. Hahaha.. Well, its a good thing that he OCD.
Although, sometimes we will compare who did what, but at the end, we will still need to compromise each other in order to stay together harmoniously.